
Places of interest near Hartola (Part 2) – Dhokaney waterfall

About 40 kilometers from Hartola is a beautiful waterfall tucked away amidst lush green surroundings on the Nathuakhan-Orakhan-Dhokaney road. One has to take a left a few meters after crossing the Orakhan market.

The road that leads to the waterfall is pretty good and has hardly any vehicles plying. There are a couple of maggi points and eateries on the road where you can have tea and snacks.

We had gone in the month of March, and the place had hardly any visitors. There is an intercollege which was also closed, so it had a deserted look.

One needs to trek a bit from the parking to the waterfall so I would not advice the elderly to accompany. The water was crystal clear and the sound of the waterfall was really like soothing music far from the noises of traffic in the city.

By the way this was Katie’s first time in a water body. As always she spent the entire time in her mama’s lap. We frolicked around in the place but the water being very cold, we decided to wrap up after an hour or so and head home.

It took us about two hours to reach Dhokaney waterfall. It was a leisurely drive with several stops to admire the locations on the way.

Without doubt a trip to Dhokaney waterfall is a must if you are in Hartola.

A tip: carry the picnic basket and the picnic mat. There are several spots on the way where you can just admire the surroundings eating a sandwich and sipping some coffee.

Leaving you with some of our pictures from the trip:

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